Searching for the line between "hobby" and "obsession"

CC Brew

My first kid, Cecilia Charlotte (CC) arrived Sunday 2/19. Labor lasted was incredibly rough, or so I gathered through observation. My wife got an infection at the hospital after her water broke which was transferred to the baby in utero. She’s been fighting through the infection for the last two days as I write this and they’re thinking she has about 5 more days to go before she can be discharged. She’ll be just fine in time, so we’re very happy for that.

In the mean time, I made sure we took some time to celebrate at the hospital by enjoying the first bottle of the batch of Belgian red honey ale I made back in November specifically to celebrate Cecilia’s birth. Serving conditions were less than desirable. The bottle had probably warmed to about 60*, maybe higher. Also, I had just brushed my teeth before tasting, as this was unplanned, so it tasted all kinds of awful to me at the time (I did happen to sneak a bottle back on New Years Eve – shhhhhh – so I actually know it tastes very good when served properly). We couldn’t really see the clarity through the styrofoam cups, but when I got near the bottom I saw it was very transparent. Oh, the benefits of time in the bottle.

Aunt and Uncle in the pic below drove overnight from Chicago as my wife was in labor. They were part of the inspiration to re-use the Belgian golden honey recipe I brewed a year ago (with minor alterations) for CC’s brew, as that recipe was their fav in a  sampler pack I brought them last summer.

Excited to offer bottles of CC brew to visitors when she finally comes home!

2 Responses

  1. Dan

    Congrats on the brew!

    Oh, and congrats on CC too!


    February 23, 2012 at 10:08 am

    • Thanks Dan! Good to meet you Saturday

      February 23, 2012 at 9:27 pm